Purityfic Vitamin Australia - Scientists from the University of Copenhagen have established that vitamin D is necessary for activation of our immune defenses. Vitamin D deficiency means the T killer cells of our immune system cannot respond and fight potentially fatal diseases.
Fundamentally, in order to trigger this ability of detecting foreign clusters of bacteria or viruses within the body, T cells must be 'triggered' into action and then 'transform' from a relatively quiescent immune cell that is harmless into a killer cell moving around in search of any traces of foreign pathogen.
They found that it took 1000 IU of vitamin D to activate the T cells; if less than that was present, they just sat there, naive.
What effects does 1000 IU of vitamin D have on the immune system?

Vitamin D is essential not only for bone and calcium metabolism but also for the immune system.
It is expressed in immune cells, including B cells, T cells, and antigen-presenting cells. All these cells are capable of synthesizing the active form of vitamin D, which would enable this compound to act directly at sites of activity of immune cells.
It regulates the innate and adaptive immune systems, that are responsible for saving the human body from infections and diseases in general.
Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of autoimmune diseases where the immune system turns to attack the same cells of the body, makes it open to infections.
Thus, replenishment of this important vitamin can impart beneficial effects to more than just bone and calcium in people, especially in those suffering from autoimmune diseases.
How much Vitamin D 1000 IU is to be taken in a day for enhanced immunity?
A multivitamin with 1000 IU of vitamin D may be beneficial for bone support.
What are the effects of deficiency in vitamin D on the immune system?
The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 400 International Units for children up to age 12 months, 600 International Units for people ages 1 through 70 years, and 800 International Units for people over 70 years.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that insufficiency or deficiency in vitamin D 1000 IU correlates positively with the onset or worsening of a myriad of autoimmune diseases.
Very recent epidemiological evidence mechanistically links vitamin D deficiency to increased incidence, or exacerbation, of infectious diseases and inflammatory autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and multiple sclerosis.
Who is at most risk for deficiency in Vitamin D 1000 IU?
Anybody may develop a deficiency of vitamin D, from infants to children to adults.
Vitamin D deficiency may be more common in people with increased melanin content of the skin and those who cover their skins comprehensively with clothes, particularly in Middle Eastern countries.
Vitamin D deficiency is very common globally. In fact, 1 billion people in the world are deficient in it, while 50% of the population has a deficiency of it. About 35% of adults in the United States have a vitamin D deficiency.
Can vitamin D supplements really improve immunity?
Vitamin D3 1000 IU may be necessary for supplementation to correct such deficiency and may consist of some or all of vitamin D2, obtained from dietary vegetable sources and oral supplements, and vitamin D3, which comes from plants and animal sources and is acquired through oily fish and orally variable foods and oral supplements.
They may also become an object of intervention in the case of nutritional immunomodulation.
This is because vitamin D is shown to play a crucial role in stimulating immune responses and protecting from various infections, including those in the respiratory tract, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and malignant tumor development.