Purityfic Vitamin Australia - Sometimes referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" because it is manufactured in our skin after our bodies are exposed to sunlight, vitamin D is something abundantly available yet surprisingly deficient in many adults. One in two adults in Indonesia experiences mild to very severe deficiency in vitamin D.
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Early Mortality Risk
A new study by the University of South Australia has provided one of the strongest ever pieces of evidence that a deficiency in vitamin D relates strongly to a raised risk of early death and encourages people to take action toward having healthy levels of this important nutrient.
An article published by researchers in Annals of Internal Medicine showed that the risk of mortality increases based on the degree of deficiency.
Vitamin D is important for general health, but also it contributes to robust bones and muscles.
A study led by Josh Sutherland from UniSA further reinforces the very strong association existing between vitamin D insufficiency and early mortality, including respiratory diseases.
This deficiency registers at a lower rate in Australia compared to most other countries, but still remains one of immense importance in the aging population and those not making adequate sun exposure to the skin or sufficient dietary intake.
In the present study, Mendelian randomization was used to infer the relationship between vitamin D level and mortality from data derived from over 300,000 UK Biobank records. The results showed that low circulating levels of vitamin D were related to increased mortality risks, especially in people with the most profound deficiencies.
Sutherland and his colleagues bring into focus that emergent measures are required for the prevention of vitamin D deficiency, other than merely treating it when serious health problems have already arisen. They show further that public health interventions are needed to ensure the maintenance of adequate levels of vitamin D, highlighting prevention rather than treatment.
This has been underscored by UniSA Professor Elina Hyppönen, who says: "Strategies aimed at efficient public health will lead to better vitamin D levels for curbing most premature deaths and enhancing quality of life, particularly in vulnerable populations and older ages.".
In summary, this study supports the notion that more emphasis on health policies should be targeted at the prevention of vitamin D deficiency to forestall its fatal consequences and contributes to the importance of vitamin D in the maintenance of health and well-being in the community.