10 Vitamins to Get Pregnant Quickly After Menstruation, You Can Try!

As you know after menstruation is the right time to plan a pregnancy. This is because menstruation is also referred to as the fertile period so it increases the potential for pregnancy to occur. In addition to having sex regularly and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you may need to take vitamins to get pregnant quickly after menstruation.
Vitamins to Get Pregnant Quickly After Menstruation
Reporting from The Bump, Natalie Burger, MD, a fertility specialist at the Texas Fertility Center, good nutrition can help you increase fertility and prepare the body for the fetus.
Read: 5 Types of B Vitamins and Their Benefits for Pregnant Women
Here are vitamins to get pregnant quickly after menstruation that you can consume, both in the form of supplements and food ingredients:
1. Zinc
Zinc plays a role in ovulation and fertility in women and also seminal production and testosterone in men.
In addition to oysters, you can also eat other zinc-rich foods as vitamins to get pregnant quickly after menstruation from grains, crabs and lobsters, nuts, and dairy products.
2. Folic acid
Experts recommend that all women of childbearing age consume about 400 micrograms of folic acid a day, Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin used by the body to produce extra blood red blood cells for the body during pregnancy and reduce the likelihood of neural tube defects (problems in the baby's spinal cord).
You can get folic acid intake as a vitamin to get pregnant quickly after menstruation in the form of supplements, as well as natural fruits, whole grains, and green vegetables.
3. Multivitamins
If you have taken multivitamins, it means that you are in good health. Otherwise, start taking it right now to help increase fertility.
Read: Can Eat Oranges when Pregnant?
4. Coenzyme Q10
Studies show that taking Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supplements can help with infertility in women and men. So, this can be consumed regularly as a vitamin to get pregnant quickly after menstruation.
There is also evidence that CoQ10 can increase sperm count. For adults, the recommended daily dose is 30 – 200 mg in divided doses throughout the day.
5. Omega 3 Free Fatty Acids
Consume these essential fatty acids found in fish oil or vegetable oils or certain types of nuts if you are undergoing IVF treatment.
Increased intake of omega 3 fatty acids was associated with improved embryonic quality in IVF studies.
6. Iron
The recommended iron intake by women is 18 mg daily, however, pregnant women need about 27 mg daily. Iron is used to produce hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells.
If the body does not have enough iron, the body's tissues and organs will not get the oxygen it needs to function properly.
You can get this amount in multivitamins, but also through foods like red meat, tofu, and dark leafy green vegetables.
7. Calcium
Nutrition experts advise that women who want to get pregnant should consume about 1,000 mg a day because when you are pregnant, the growing baby needs calcium.
In fact, it is also recommended that all adults between the ages of 19 and 50 consume that amount of calcium to form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.
Add calcium as a vitamin to get pregnant quickly after menstruation to the daily diet by drinking plenty of milk and eating green vegetables.
8. Vitamin B6
Take vitamins to get pregnant quickly after menstruation now to overcome the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy after you get pregnant. Research shows that women who consumed at least 10 mg of vitamin B6 before they became pregnant reported experiencing less morning sickness than those who did not take it.
9. Antioxidants
Taking these supplements such as vitamin C and vitamin E can help with fertility for both men and women.
You can take vitamins to get pregnant quickly after this menstruation in pill form or consume foods such as oranges, strawberries (for vitamin C), almonds, and sunflower seeds (for vitamin E).
10. L-Carnitine
This substance serves as a source of energy for sperm and plays an important role in sperm maturation and metabolism in men.
The addition of L-carnitine in supplement form may increase sperm motility in some cases of male infertility.
Well, those are the vitamins to get pregnant quickly after menstruation Hopefully useful!