Essential Nutrients' Function in Preventing Pre-Eclampsia
Pre-Eclampsia is a condition that develops in pregnant women and goes hand in hand with an increase in blood pressure...
Characteristics of Pregnant Women Lacking Folic Acid
Folic acid is a nutrient that is recommended to be consumed not only during pregnancy but also preconception when a...
Best Vitamin Recommendations for Breastfeeding Mothers
What are the best vitamin recommendations for breastfeeding mothers? Through this post, we will try to thoroughly explore the daily...
4 Nutrients for the Sutures of Childbirth to Recover Quickly!
Giving birth is indeed a process that is both scary and happy when we imagine the presence of the Little...
7 Mandatory Nutrients in the Diet Menu of Pregnant Women
You are considering going on a pregnancy diet? If so, don't miss the following information. When pregnant, the food and...