Yellow Urine after Taking Vitamins? Here's Why!

Yellow urine after taking vitamins makes some people worried because they suspect that the body is experiencing problems. However, the facts say something else. So what is the real cause? Check out the full explanation below!
Why Is Urine Yellow after Taking Vitamins?
Read: Getting to Know Hypervitaminosis, a Condition In Which The Body Is Excess Vitamins
Urine is the body's liquid waste that is excreted by the kidneys and then excreted from the body through urination. Urine excretion aims to remove residual molecules in the blood that the kidneys filter.
Urine consists of water, salt, and electrolytes such as potassium and phosphorus, urea, and uric acid. If normal and healthy, the color of the urine appears pale yellow to golden. This color comes from the pigment that the body makes (urochrome).
However, there is another reason why after taking vitamin C the urine becomes yellow. Bright yellow urine is common after taking B-complex vitamins, including vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin).
Vitamin B complex is soluble in water so that it is not stored in the body like many other nutrients. Throughout the day, the body will excrete excess vitamins that it does not absorb through urine that is bright yellow. So, the fact that the urine looks bright yellow signals an excess of vitamin B2 than needed by the body.
However, not everyone will experience bright yellow urine due to drinking vitamin B complexes. If it is, it is likely caused by digestive abilities or certain supplements. Vitamin C is also water-soluble, which if too much in the body makes urine appear yellow.
Is It Dangerous To Go Yellow After Taking Vitamins?
If the color of urine changes to bright yellow a few hours after taking the vitamin, this is absolutely normal and there is no need to worry about it.
Some people usually panic when they see yellow urine after taking vitamins, but this is only an excess of B vitamins that are excreted through the urine.
Some vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, are fat-soluble and some other vitamins are water-soluble such as B vitamins and vitamin C. Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body as a reserve for future use.
Meanwhile, water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body, so excess vitamins will be thrown into the urine. Water-soluble vitamins need to get daily intake, which ensures a diet by multiplying colorful fruits and vegetables.
How Much Does the Body Need B Vitamins?
The body can only absorb 27 milligrams of vitamin B2 aka riboflavin at a time. An amount that exceeds this threshold is likely to produce bright yellow urine.
Apart from the bright yellow urine due to vitamins, it is important to consume foods rich in B vitamins and regularly take supplements every day. Food sources of B vitamins, including eggs, offal, and dark green vegetables. In addition, animal food becomes a rich source of vitamin B12.
Other Factors That Make Urine Yellow
Not only B vitamins and vitamin C, but other factors can also cause bright yellow urine, here are some of them:
1. Dehydration.
The factor that often causes yellow urine is lack of fluids aka dehydration. This condition makes the concentration of urobilin in the urine increase. lack of fluid does not dissolve enough urobilin, causing urine to appear yellow.
2. Food.
Yellow urine can be caused by certain foods that contain beta carotene or food coloring. The concentrated pigment content in food is difficult to change during the digestive process, thus causing yellow urine. Foods containing beta carotene are carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and melons.
3. Medicines.
Some medications that can cause yellow urine, include warfarin (a blood-thinning drug), rifampin (antituberculosis), and cancer drugs. Medical conditions. A change in urine color to yellow can signal problems with kidney, liver, or bladder function.
4. Pregnancy.
Based on experience in society, bright yellow urine may be an early symptom of pregnancy. However, there have been no studies to support this claim.
That's the discussion about yellow urine after taking vitamins. This condition is especially normal when you are just consuming multivitamins A, D, E, and K.