These are 5 Vegetables Containing Vitamin C Good for Children!

Vitamin C is a vitamin needed by the body. This is because vitamin C is important for the immune system.
Read: The Real Benefits and Importance of Vitamin C for Kids
These are 5 Vegetables Containing Vitamin C Good for Children!
There are several reasons why vitamin C affects the body's immune system. As quoted by Healthline, vitamin C helps the production of white blood cells, namely lymphocytes and phagocytes that help protect the body from infection.
Vitamin C will help these white blood cells function more effectively while protecting them from damage by potentially harmful molecules, such as free radicals.
Vitamin C can also help protect the skin. Given the skin is the outermost part of the body that is susceptible to infection. In addition, vitamin C allows the body to heal wounds faster.
Not only adults but children also need vitamin C intake. One of the sources of vitamin C that you can get is vegetables.
Read: These are the Benefits of Vitamin K for Children
5 Vegetable Containing Vitamin C
There are many vegetables that are rich in vitamin C. Here is what we have compiled from various sources. Let’s look at the vegetable references to meet the vitamin C needs of children.
Vegetables that you might be able to use to meet your little one's vitamin C needs, namely broccoli. This green vegetable contains high enough vitamin C so that it can improve the child's immune system.
Not only vitamin C, but broccoli is also enriched with other beneficial ingredients, namely fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Starting from carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamin K, vitamin A, folate, potassium, to phosphorus.
Broccoli contains powerful antioxidants that can support healthy cells and tissues throughout your child's body. Broccoli is also good for digestive health, healthy bones, and teeth, heart health, prevents inflammation, protects skin from the bad effects of sunlight, and even improves brain function.
You can give broccoli to children by boiling it as a snack, or maybe processing it with some other vegetables and meat to make it more interesting.
Tomatoes have high levels of vitamin C so they are good as antioxidants needed by the immune system in the body. Vegetables that contain lots of water also have other nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin K, and folate.
In addition to increasing immunity, vitamin C in tomatoes can help the absorption of iron in the body. Tomatoes also contain vitamin A which is good for improving visual function. The high water content in tomatoes can prevent dehydration because 94% of the composition of tomatoes consists of water.
In processing tomatoes, you may be able to make it as a fresh soup or make a paste to spread on bread in sandwiches and pizza. It can be juiced together with other vegetables or fruits.
Vegetables, which are better known for their carbohydrate content, are also rich in vitamin C. In addition, potatoes contain fiber, potassium, and protein that are beneficial for the body.
When consumed, potatoes can help heart health and digestive health. In fact, potatoes can maintain ideal body weight because they can be created into a healthy and delicious diet menu.
Potatoes can be prepared in a variety of ways, whether it's boiled, baked, or fried. Mama can cook potatoes into many foods that are tailored to the little one's preferences.
Vegetables that can be boiled into fresh soup, sauteed with other ingredients, or fried as chips are rich in vitamin C.
Launching from MedicalNewsToday, 100 grams of spinach contains 28.1 milligrams of vitamin C or can meet 34% of the daily recommendation needed by the body. So, spinach might be your choice in meeting the vitamin C needs of children.
Moreover, spinach has many other benefits. This is because, in addition to vitamin C, spinach is also rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium which are needed by the body.
Eating spinach can improve the health of your little one's bones and teeth, be good for hair and skin health, and maintain digestive health because spinach contains enough water and fiber.
Kale is a vegetable that contains vitamin C so it can be useful in boosting the immune system. Not only that, kale is rich in vitamin A, iron, and other nutrients that are good for the body's health.
The iron content in it makes kale a good choice of vegetables to be consumed to prevent anemia. Kale is also good for digestive health because of its sufficient fiber content.
Green vegetables that can be processed into food or drink by way of juice can also improve vision health. This is because kale has a high content of carotenoids, vitamin A and lutein.