15 Signs of Vitamin B1 Deficiency, Pay Attention!

Vitamin B1 deficiency can be seen physically or from the symptoms experienced daily.
Many people do not realize that they are experiencing a lack of B vitamins in their bodies.
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Sometimes, the features of the lack of intake of this vitamin are similar to certain diseases.
In fact, the lack of fulfillment of B vitamins can interfere with the overall health of the body, you know.
What Is The Function Of Vitamin B1?
Vitamin B1 is part of the group of B vitamins in general.
Also called thiamine, it is vitamin B1 which is useful for the growth, development, and function of organs.
According to the National Health Services (NHS), there is a recommended dose of taking vitamin B1:
- Mild vitamin deficiency: 25-100 mg and taken 1 time per day
- Severe vitamin deficiency: 100 mg is taken 2-3 times a day
Like other B vitamins, thiamine is water-soluble. That is, it dissolves in water and is not stored in the body for a long time.
In addition to being in the form of health supplements, vitamin B1 can be done by eating a variety of nutritious vegetables and fruits.
For people who do not meet the needs of B vitamins, it will be seen from the physical characteristics or signs experienced.
Characteristics of Vitamin B1 Deficiency
Come on, start paying attention to physical and mental health again! There are various signs of the body when experiencing a lack of vitamin B1, these include:
1. Lost Appetite
Unusual loss of appetite can be one of the initial symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency.
Loss of desire to eat or loss of hunger for a long time needs special attention.
In fact, one of the uses of thiamin in the body is to play a role in regulating hunger and satiety in the brain.
When vitamin levels are abnormal, this can interfere with the brain's processing of satiety and hunger.
2. Blurred Vision
Read: 4 Benefits of B Vitamins for Children
Studies in Dove Press found there was a link between vitamin B1 deficiency and vision.
In the eye nerve, this makes the vision blurred and unclear.
If left untreated, damage to the optic nerve can eventually lead to permanent loss of vision.
Despite this, cases like this are quite rare.
3. Nausea and Vomiting
Frequent feelings of nausea and the desire to vomit are characteristic of the body's lack of B vitamins.
This is often accompanied by an easily tired body and emotionally disturbed.
This digestive symptom is more common in sufferers called Wernicke's encephalopathy.
In the Publication of the Tand Online Study, this nausea and vomiting can be the main serious symptoms when thiamine deficiency.
4. Frequent Tingling
Ever experienced tingling? Beware, these are the features of vitamin B1 deficiency that are rarely realized.
Tingling generally attacks certain organs of the body, especially the legs and arms.
This symptom of thiamine deficiency affects brain function for some neural networks.
Obstructed nervous tissue due to the lack of vitamin B1 in the human body.
5. Ataxia
Ataxia is a mental illness that occurs in the nervous system.
Many of the symptoms of ataxia are similar to hangovers, slurred speech, as well as a lack of focus on oneself.
Ataxia is a sign of vitamin B1 deficiency that is often experienced by adults compared to children.
This is especially when cases of thiamine deficiency are severe enough.
6. Eye Pain
In addition to blurred vision, sore eyes are a sign of vitamin B1 deficiency.
Also known as papilledema, it is a medical condition when the optic nerve behind the eye becomes swollen.
Invisible to the naked eye, this also needs further examination with a special tool.
To prevent a lack of B vitamins can be by eating cereals rich in oats.
7. Easy to Forget
Forgot to take birth control pills or daily health supplements usually? This is a sign of a lack of other vitamin B1.
This condition occurs when forgetting things that have just been heard, seen, or done recently.
Although it looks trivial, this continuous senile dementia needs special treatment.
If left unchecked, it can have bad consequences for the future.
8. Body Gets Tired Easily
Thiamine deficiency can appear as fatigue of the body. It often comes suddenly and usually repeats from day to day.
Vitamin B1 deficiency sometimes also results in the body's antibodies being disturbed.
Susceptible to pain such as coughs and colds is another consequence of a body that gets tired easily.
9. Mood Swing
Don't self-diagnose when feeling like you're in a mood swing lately.
Not always a signifying a state of depression or anxiety, this can be a characteristic of the body's lack of vitamin B1.
This term can refer to irregular mood swings that occur almost every day.
Ongoing mood swings need to be treated with medical care or mental therapy.
10. Cell Nerves Are Disturbed
This condition is a (systemic) process throughout the body that damages nerve cells, nerve fibers, and nerve cover.
These symptoms of a vitamin B1 deficiency may refer to the body's nerves that are easily painful or disturbed.
Damage to the cover of nerve cells causes nerve signals to slow down or stop instantly.
If it is connected to nerves, it is possible that brainwave therapy is carried out.
11. Make Children Easy to Tantrum
In addition to adults, vitamin deficiencies can also be experienced by children or babies.
Babies with thiamine deficiency often show emotional and action instability.
Tantrums in a long and recurrent period can indicate that he lacks thiamine in the body.
Eating foods such as potatoes, asparagus vegetables, and chicken eggs can treat this condition in Little One.
12. Reduced Focusing Power
Reduced focusing power makes it difficult to carry out activities in general.
Not because of a lack of food intake, this can also be a symptom of a sustained lack of vitamin B1.
This decreased focusing power makes people unable to work or study optimally.
13. Body Swells
In the study, Frontiers explained that vitamin B1 deficiency can be seen in the bloated body.
Known as edema, this is a swelling caused by an excess of fluid in the tissues of the body.
Legs that look large and swollen are the most easily noticeable symptoms.
14. Nystagmus
Nystagmus is a condition of vision in which the eyes make repetitive and uncontrolled movements.
Unlike squinted eyes, this makes the sufferer unable to control blinking regularly.
Nystagmus can occur as a result of a lack of thiamine vitamins in the body.
15. Difficulty Digesting Information
Difficulty digesting information or feeling confused is the result of vitamin B1 deficiency.
This is because the tissues in the brain are not supported by the intake of vitamin B. In fact, the use of this B vitamin is one of them as a regulator of focusing power in the brain.
That's a series of signs of vitamin B1 deficiency. Hopefully, it will be useful, and you should beware!