9 Benefits of Corn on the Cob, One of Which Is Maintaining Heart Health!

Corn on the cob is one of the menus that many people like. Usually, you will consume this food as a substitute for rice when on a diet.
The sweet taste of the corn on the cob makes some feel hesitant to consume it. Because there are several myths that say this menu is high in sugar content.
However, that assumption has already been refuted by experts. The reason is, in 100 grams of corn only has 3 grams of sugar, you know.
So, don't need to hesitate anymore to make this menu as an alternative to carbohydrates.
Keep reading the following article to find out the nutritional content and also the benefits of corn on the cob, let's go go!
Benefits of Corn on the Cob for Health
The benefits of corn on the cob are very many for health, you know. One of the most nutrients in this diet is fiber.
In one serving there are about 2.4 grams of fiber that can meet the daily needs.
Corn on the cob is also rich in vitamin B9 or commonly known as folate. Nutrition Journal said that folate is a very important nutrient, especially for pregnant women.
In addition, this food also contains vitamin B1, vitamin C, protein, magnesium, and also potassium. All nutritional contents provide benefits for body health.
1. Overcoming Digestive Problems
Corn has 18.4% of the recommended dose of fiber daily. This amount is very good for smoothing your daily bowel movements.
These nutrients can also help with digestive problems, such as constipation and hemorrhoids.
Consumption of foods rich in fiber can also protect you from colon cancer.
This content is also very good for those who experience irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.
2. Prevents Cancer
Corn on the cob is also cited as one of the good sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential to prevent exposure to free radicals.
Too much exposure to free radicals can cause a variety of diseases, including cancer.
In addition, corn is also known for its ability to induce apoptosis in cancer cells, and leave healthy cells unaffected.
This food also contains phytochemicals, which are also a good source of antioxidants.
3. Maintain Heart Health
The optimal combination of fatty acids inside the corn allows Omega 3 fatty acids to get rid of bad cholesterol and replace it in the binding place.
This can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Because this content can prevent blockages in the arteries, so blood pressure will be more controlled.
Including corn on the cob in the daily menu can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, you know.
So from now on, don't hesitate to include this menu in the daily diet menu.
4. Lower Cholesterol
One of the types of fiber present in corn is soluble fiber, which turns into a gel-like substance in the bloodstream.
This gel, in turn, absorbs bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). Sweet corn also contains carotenoids and bioflavonoids.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that carotenoids and bioflavonoids can help control cholesterol levels in the blood
5. Improves Eye Health
Corn on the cob is also rich in beta-carotene which will later produce vitamin A in the body. This content is very good for vision and skin in general.
Beta-carotene also has high amounts of antioxidants that can prevent cancer and heart disease.
Because vitamin A can be toxic if ingested in high amounts, you should choose to get vitamin A naturally through beta-carotene in the body.
6. Good for Skin Health
If you want to look youthful, don't hesitate to diligently consume corn on the cob. The antioxidant content in it can prevent the aging process of the skin.
The content of minerals and vitamins in corn can also help the skin look brighter and more radiant. This will certainly make Moms feel more confident.
It doesn't stop there, the content of vitamin E in corn can also improve the face because of acne, you know. the content can create wounds on the skin of the face because acne scars are reduced.
7. Prevents Diabetes
The B vitamins present in corn on the cob regulate the metabolism of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, and the existing phytochemicals regulate the release of insulin.
Sweet corn has a glycemic index of 58, making it a superfood for diabetics. The content in it can help control diabetes.
The content of phenolic phytochemicals present in it can also control hypertension.
8. Improving the Health of Pregnant Women
The high content of folic acid in corn is very good for pregnant women.
So don't be surprised, if you are often advised to consume this one menu.
Corn on the cob is a healthy food that every pregnant woman should consume. However, if you experience swollen legs while pregnant, consult a doctor before changing this diet.
9. Improves Bone and Kidney Health
Corn is rich in all the essential minerals that the body needs.
One serving of corn on the cob is high in iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, and even selenium. This content is very difficult to find in other foods.
Phosphorus helps a number of body functions and can be used to regulate kidney function, induce normal bone growth, and maintain bone health.
Magnesium can help maintain a healthy heart rate and also increase bone density.
That's how it is an article about the benefits of corn on the cob. Hopefully, the article will be useful. Thank you for reading. Stay healthy!