Impacts of Excess Vitamin C on the Body, Must Know!

Did you know that an excess of vitamin C will actually harm the body? So, we must know exactly what vitamins our body needs at the moment and how to take them.
Taking multivitamins is one way to maintain endurance. Especially in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is natural that many people start hunting for vitamin supplements.
Read: Amaazing! This is How Vitamin C Helps Your Body
However, you certainly know that consuming something excessive can have some effects on the body. Including if your body is in excess vitamin C.
One type of vitamin supplement that is being sought after is vitamin C supplements. You may also include people looking for vitamin supplements to increase endurance.
Then, what are the side effects of excess vitamin C on the body? Here is the explanation.
Impact of Excess Vitamin C
Vitamin C plays an important role in the growth process and other body processes. Our body cannot produce vitamin C on its own, so it is essential to meet the needs of vitamin C from the outside (food or supplements).
The way vitamin C works is that it will dissolve in water and be discharged by the body through the kidneys.
"The body will not store the excess vitamin C consumed, every excess will be excreted through the kidneys and then urine," according to dr. Tirta Prawita Sari, M.Sc, Sp.GK Clinical Nutrition Specialist at RS Pondok Indah – Pondok Indah.
There are several impacts that a person can experience if they are overvolted with vitamin C in a day. Therefore, drinking the right amount is highly recommended.
Here are some of the impacts that can be experienced on the body if you are in excess vitamin C.
1. Digestive Problems
In the Institute of Health, vitamin C has low toxicity and is not believed to cause serious side effects if consumed high.
But, the most common complaints experienced if the body is overloaded with vitamin C are diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, and other gastrointestinal disorders, due to the osmotic effects of vitamin C that are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
In some people, an excess of vitamin C also causes stomach acid and the stomach to feel uncomfortable.
Therefore, it should be that the dose of vitamin C should be appropriate to avoid digestive problems from excess vitamin C.
2. Headache
Some side effects of excess vitamin C can occur and usually do not require medical attention, one of which is headaches.
Headaches are a mild impact due to too much intake of vitamin C supplements, although they can subside, if it is alarming, Moms can contact a doctor to get the right treatment.
"In some people who have problems with stones in the kidneys and urinary tract, excess vitamin C and not accompanied by sufficient fluid intake can also cause urine to become acidic, making it easier for stones to form," added dr. Tirta.
3. Insomnia
Side effects due to excess vitamin C may cause less visible symptoms or mild symptoms. This is as stated by David Katz, MD, director of yale University's Center for Preventive Research in New Haven.
"There may be signs of concern, but it will be a very subtle sign," he said.
These fairly mild symptoms may include difficulty sleeping or insomnia, difficulty concentrating, nerve problems such as numbness or tingling, and more irritability.
4. Kidney Stones
In the journal Advances in Nutrition, excess vitamin C in high amounts has been linked to an increased risk of kidney stones, although the evidence is mixed and inconsistent.
An excess of vitamin C can cause the body to secrete oxalic compounds and uric acid in the urine. It is this compound that provokes the formation of kidney stones in the body.
Therefore, avoid consuming too many vitamin C supplements, especially for Moms who are prone to kidney stone formation. Although in general, vitamin C is safe to take, even in large doses.
One study explained, that for adults who took a supplement of 1,000 mg of vitamin C twice a day for 6 days, the number of oxalates they removed increased by 20 percent.
5. Unbalanced Nutrition
Another impact of excess vitamin C is that the body cannot digest nutrients optimally. The intake of vitamin C entering the body causes unbalanced nutrition.
This can impair the body's ability to digest other nutrients. For example, an excess of vitamin C leads to insufficient levels of vitamin A, and vitamin D or increases the absorption of iron in the body.
The absence of this balance of nutrients is not good for the body and can provoke serious diseases.
6. Bone Spurs
Reporting from Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, a study at Duke University found that an excess of vitamin C can cause bone cords, that is, it accelerates damage to the joints.
Excess vitamin C in the body activates proteins that cause bone spurs and pain in patients with osteoarthritis.
In contrast, other studies have shown that people with 3 times lower vitamin C levels, may develop rheumatoid arthritis than those who have normal vitamin C levels.
7. Colitis
Excess vitamin C in children can also occur, one of which is digestive problems that cause inflammation of the intestines.
Vitamin C is soluble in water, so any excess will be excreted from the body through the urine of the child. However, high doses of vitamin C can still cause nausea, diarrhea, kidney stones, and gastritis (inflammation of the intestines).
Reporting from the National Institutes of Health, vitamin C for adults and children aged 4 years and over is 60 mg, both men and women. There tends to be an increase to 90 mg.
8. Nutritional Imbalance
It turns out that children also cannot take vitamin C excessively. One of the consequences of excess vitamin C in children is nutritional imbalance.
Please be aware that the normal dose of vitamin C in toddlers is 15 mg per day. So, it can't be more than that!
The amount of vitamin C needed will continue to increase based on the condition and age of the Little One. So, adjust it to his needs, yes!
Excessive consumption of vitamin C can interfere with the body's ability to process other nutrients. Even vitamin C itself can reduce vitamin B12 and copper levels in the body, you know!